Key Considerations in High Profile Critical Incidents
In today’s world, many incidents occurring within a public entity often end up in the news and goes viral on social media. This session is designed to provide insight on the importance of training your staff to prepare for the handling of critical incidents with tips on how to quickly identify the circumstances that can generate a highly publicized incident and show the processes that can help to effectively manage these situations. The session will finish up by sharing ways in which to restore the public’s confidence through community engagement, resolution or a public inquiry.
Core Competency #1: PRMS - Public Risk Management Skills
Crisis Management
Course Level
Learning Objectives
Objective 1: Identify the multiple features of an incident that can quickly grab the attention of the media and others
Objective 2: Develop an understanding on how important it is for the leadership team to be ready to consider the immediate action and support needed to lessen the impact of a critical incident.
Objective 3 Become aware of the negative lessons learned the hard way by other entities in their incident management.
Risk Control